自 1953 年以来,费尔蒙特一直专注于一件事——我们的学生。我们的世俗男女同校课程将历史悠久的基础知识与创新的学习方法相结合,致力于智力、社交和情感成长。我们的教育工作者经过严格的培训和评估,以确保一流的教学质量。费尔蒙特提供屡获殊荣的学术课程和艺术、体育和特殊课程方面的各种机会,为所有学生营造安全和支持的环境。
Seattle, Washington, USA
Bishop Blanchet High School partners with GBA to provide homestay experiences with international exchange students while studying abroad.
In the 2015-16 school year, BBHS began a small international student program. We have had the pleasure of hosting students from China, England, Vietnam, Chile, Taiwan, Spain, Italy, Korea, and Germany and continue to receive applications from students all around the globe!
To ensure the safety and well-being of our students, all Bishop Blanchet host families undergo a rigorous approval process, which includes a thorough background check of all adults in the home, and participation in annual training. This Homestay program is available for students in grades 9-12, and we strive to create a comfortable and welcoming environment for each student.