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A Host Family is expected to provide a wholesome, safe, suitable and caring household environment, showing the Host Student how to live within a daily American family environment. The Host Family should encourage the Host Student to be independent around the house. Clarify your expectations early on.

The Host Family agrees to provide a private room (minimum size 100 sq. ft.,10 x I0) for sleeping and privacy. There should be a bed with linens (bed sheet(s), blanket, and pillow), adequate storage (closet or a dresser), adequate lighting, a window, and a desk with a lamp and a chair. If special furniture is requested, the Host Student will be responsible for the cost. The purchase must be approved by Global Bridge Associates and Host Family in writing. This specifically requested furniture will be the property of the Host Student.

Meals shall be provided by the Host Family. Any food allergies disclosed by the Host Student prior to the commencement of the homestay will be accommodated by the Host Family to ensure the safety of the Host Student. A written record of any such accommodation will be provided to Global Bridge Associates at least 10 days prior to the beginning of the homestay.


  • Breakfast: Food needs to be available to the Host Student. The Host Family will explain how Host Students should help themselves. Either prepared or self-made breakfasts on school days are permissible. Since international Host Students may not be accustomed to cereal or cold breakfast, the Host Family should explain the characteristics of American style breakfasts.

  • Lunch: The Host Family will prepare a sack lunch for the Host Student on days when needed. If lunch is provided at school for free, or if the Host Student wishes to purchase lunch at school, the Host Family is not obligated to provide lunch.

  • Dinner: Dinner is prepared by the Host Family. When families go out and are not home to prepare dinner, there should be food available for the Host Student.


Restaurants: From time to time, Host Families may want to invite the Host Student out for dinner. Host Families may pay for the Host Student or inform the Host Student in advance that the Host Student will pay the cost of their own meal.

The Host Family is responsible for transporting the Host Student to and from school and school-related activities, such as after-school clubs or community service. If necessary, the Host Family will arrange carpooling, as needed, for Host Student transport to school and extracurricular activities. The Host Family understands that transportation options that exceed more than one hour one-
way would be considered excessive and may need to be modified.

The Host Family is responsible for providing or arranging transportation from or to the designated airport for a Host Student after their first arrival. Local transportation options require prior approval of the Host Family. LYFT/UBER IS NOT ALLOWED FOR ANY STUDENT UNDER THE AGE OF 18 unless the student's natural parents submit the Global Bridge Associates Rideshare Waiver.
Host Students are not allowed to get a driver’s license or drive any type of vehicle while in the Global Bridge Associates Program.

The Host Family understands that the most significant reason for placing a Host Student within a Host Family environment is for the Host Student to learn about American culture and to practice English-speaking skills. Therefore, it is important to include the Host Student in family activities and encourage the Host Student to participate in family conversations.
Furthermore, the Host Family will:
• Offer at least one family activity per month and provide photos to Global Bridge Associates.
• Invite the Host Student to share in their American holiday celebrations.
• Encourage the Host Student to participate in events and interact with English-speaking friends.
• Spend at least 30 minutes each day in social conversation with the Host Student to help the Host Student to improve English proficiency and pronunciation.


  1. 1. House Rules: Host Family agrees to help the Host Student become acquainted with the family home and establish a list of important house rules from the "House Rules” template (provided by Global Bridge Associates) that all members of your family are required to follow. Review the rules with your Host Student on the move-in date. Please provide Global Bridge Associates with a signed copy of the House Rules. 

  2. Utilities: Host Family will provide Host Student with reasonable usage of utilities (electricity, heat, and water) at no additional charge.

  3. Internet: The Host Family agrees to provide access to a wired/wireless internet connection at a speed suitable for internet communications allowing 2 GB of downloads per month in their home. All Host Students require Internet access for schoolwork and for contacting relatives.

  4. Home Orientation: The Host Family will show the Host Student each room they will have access to and where food and supplies are kept.

  5. Home Safety: The Host Family will show the Host Student where to go and who to contact in the event of an emergency, and the Host Family will show the Host Student how to operate any door locks or security systems in the home. Additionally, the Host Family will test and make sure all fire and carbon monoxide detectors are in good working order prior to the commencement of the homestay.

  6. Bathroom: The Host Family will explain how to use the shower or bath (Note: In most Asian countries, there is a drain in the middle of the bathroom floor. Host family should explain to the Host Student that water should not get on the floor and make sure the Host Student knows how to use the shower curtain correctly). Please explain the appropriate length of time for showers or baths, and provide basic toiletries such as soap, towels, and toilet paper. The Host Student will be responsible for other personal hygiene toiletries.

  7. Bedroom: The Host Family will demonstrate how to make a bed with covers to sleep under (sheets, not comforter), how often sheets are to be washed, and by whom.

  8. Laundry: The Host Family should explain who does the laundry and how often, and make laundry detergent available.

  9. Kitchen: The Host Family should explain how to use the microwave, stove, and refrigerator. A small storage space in the kitchen should be made available for some of the Host Student’s foods. Do not allow the Host Student to cook alone until the Host Family has given permission. Instructions with easy reference should be posted on how to use appliances.

  10. Shopping: The Host Family should provide opportunity for replenishing toiletries, snacks, and other shopping needs.

  11. Schedules: The Host Family will explain the expected schedule for meals, bedtime, and school. The Host Family should also explain to the Host Student general expectations for when to go to sleep and take a shower or bath.

  12. Cleaning: The Host Family should allow the Host Student to use the family vacuum cleaner and cleaning products to clean the Host Student’s bedroom and bathroom at any time.12. Cleaning:

  13. Chores: As a member of the family, students should be expected to help with light household chores such as setting or clearing the table, taking their trash out of their room, and keeping their room tidy. If students are interested, they may be encouraged to help with other light chores. Students should not be expected to babysit for or engage in heavy cleaning or housework.

The Host Family agrees to email and communicate with Global Bridge Associates in a timely manner. The Host family will also ensure the Host Student is available for contact by Global Bridge Associates, as needed, for any reason. Due to issues of legal liability, all communication regarding the Host Student in any way related to the homestay must occur directly between Global Bridge
Associates and the Host Student’s direct family members, relatives and/or agents. Direct communication between the Host Family and direct family members, relatives and/or agents of the Host Student during the duration of this Agreement is strictly forbidden. The Host family will immediately direct all communication received from the Host Student’s family, relatives, or agents to Global Bridge Associates. If any issues, problems or misunderstandings arise during the homestay which are not resolvable, the Homestay Family will escalate the situation to Global Bridge Associates in a timely manner. If the Host Student has a cell phone during their homestay, the Host Student must notify both Global Bridge Associates and the Host Family of their phone number. The Host Student and Host Family should reach mutually agreeable rules related the phone and its use.

1. The Host Family will inform Global Bridge Associates of any material changes in status of the Host Student or the Host Family, including but not limited to a change in address, adults over the age of 18 moving into the home, finances, employment, environmental dangers, natural disasters, accidents, and/or criminal arrests.
2. The Host Family will ensure that the Host Student does not take friends of the opposite sex into their bedroom.
3. The Host Family will ensure that the Host Student does not stay home alone overnight without prior approval from Global Bridge Associates. If the Host Student spends the night at a friend’s house, both the Host Family and the destination family must give their prior approval. Any adult over 23 years of age residing in the Host Family home must provide a photo ID to Global Bridge Associates for prior approval.
4. The Host Family may not allow the Host Student’s direct family members, relatives and/or agents to stay overnight in the Host Family home.
5. The Host Family will require the Host Student to complete a Travel Permission Form 14 days prior to any travel within the United States outside the state in which the Host Family resides, and 30 days prior for any travel outside the United States. Such travel is not authorized unless the Host Family has confirmation in writing from Global Bridge Associates.
6. The Host Family will ensure that the Host Student safely maintains possession of government-issued documents (i.e., passports, I-20, visa).
7. The Host Family agrees not to permit a Host Student to leave their belongings in the home after they vacate the premises over the summer, or permanently, without written permission from Global Bridge Associates. Otherwise, the Host Family may be held responsible for loss or damages to the Host Student’s belongings.
8. The Host Family agrees to authorize Global Bridge Associates to complete background checks on anyone over the age of seventeen residing in the Host Family home.
9. The Host Family agrees to allow monthly in-home visits by Global Bridge Associates.
10. The Host Family agrees to have everyone residing in the Host Family home over the age of seventeen complete the mandated reporter training and submit their completion of training certificates to
11. The Host Family may be required to complete additional training to comply with changing program standards.
12. The Host Family shall NOT disclose the stipend amount to the Host Student, Host Student’s direct family members, relatives and/or agents, or other Host Families. Violation of this provision will result in immediate termination of this Agreement and future permanent suspension from all Global Bridge Associates programs.
13. The Host Family will not make any financial commitment on behalf of the Host Student (i.e., cell phone, bank account, medical payment, or contract).
14. The Host Family will not charge any fee to the Host Student for any reason without approval by Global Bridge Associates.
15. The Host family will not loan to or borrow money from the Host Student.
16. The Host Family will not host more than one Host Student at a time without prior written notice by Global Bridge Associates. Two Host Students are the typical maximum for a Host Family.
17. The Host Family will immediately notify Global Bridge Associates of any damage to their home. Host Students carry third-party liability insurance and will be responsible for any damage they cause. Photos of the damage and written estimates for repairs must be provided to Global Bridge Associates within 48 hours of the occurrence. In the event the Host Student moves out of the Host Family home, any damage attributable to the Host Student should be shown during the check-out inspection.
18. The Host Family must not, under any circumstances, supply alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs to any students or minors (including the Host Student) or permit students or minors in their care to consume alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs.
19. The Host Family must inform the Host Student’s school if the student is ill or unable to attend class or participate in any extra-curricular activities by 8:00am on any day during which the student is expected to participate.
20. Respect the privacy of the student’s bedroom.



Global Bridge Associates study abroad


+1 (833) 463-6422


24162 Hollyoak, B 单元 亚里索维耶荷, CA 92656





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